The Year of The Hermit Through A Counselling Lens

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Qualicum Beach
2025 is considered the year of The Hermit. This is because 2+0+2+5= 9. The Hermit is the 9th archetypal card (aka major arcana) of the Tarot deck. The Tarot is not an evidence-based counselling therapy; however, we can look at the meaning of this card through a counselling lens to gain insight and support as we embark on this new year.
Many people use the Tarot not as a means of fortune telling, but to gain clarity, direction and perspective on a situation. Some use it as a means of personal and spiritual growth as they navigate life. Some people use Tarot to access a different frame of view of a current problem, challenge, or decision point they are facing. Looking at something through a new lens can allow a new empowering narrative to emerge. A new empowered meaning can lead to new actions, new feelings towards oneself or the situation, and to new outcomes. We can apply this idea, of seeking a new meaning, to the upcoming year.
The Hermit can be viewed as the archetype of the guide, or even of the inner guide. This is demonstrated through the symbolism of the star that The Hermit is holding in the card’s image. Therefore, the Hermit can be seen as an inner guide that lights our way on our journey. The Hermit connotes inner wisdom and knowledge. The Hermit also represents solitude. Meaning, we can access our inner guide through practices that allow us to hear the voice within. However, we can also find external guides as well, whether they are religious or spiritual teachers/mentors, nature, books, or friends that guide us as we learn to live more authentically aligned with who we truly are.
Just as the Hermit lights our path, the Hermit also shines a light on our attitude towards our path. Swiss psychotherapist, Carl Jung, is known to have said, “Attitude is everything”. Our attitude towards life, ourselves, and others, can either be a help or a hinderance. Jungian analyst, James Hollis, has said, “Attitude plays a huge role in how we experience our lives”. Because the Hermit is in service to our best interest, the Hermit also shines a light on our attitude so that we can adjust it as necessary on our journey.
How is this related to counselling theories? Internal Family Systems’ concept of Self relates to the idea of the Hermit. As per Internal Family Systems, each and every one of us has a part of ourselves called, the Self. Sometimes the Self (with a capital S) is referred to as your “wisest, most compassionate self”. The Self is characterized as having compassion, clarity, creativity, connectedness, curiosity, confidence, calmness and courage. Through this lens, the Hermit can be viewed as helping us to access our own Self energy and traits so that we can lead our lives from a place of compassion, clarity, creativity, connectedness, curiosity, confidence, calmness and courage.
Polyvagal Theory has a similar concept in that we can access compassion, curiosity, and clarity by regulating our nervous system, and coming to our “ventral” state. The ventral state is a state in which our nervous system can “rest and digest”- where we might feel connected, calm, present and engaged with life. Through this lens, the Hermit can not only represent what practices, people and activities bring us back to a state of calm when we feel like we are stressed out or in survival mode, but the Hermit can also represent the clarity and courage we can embody when our nervous system is in a regulated state.
If you were to consider the year of The Hermit, as the year of re-connecting with your inner guiding self that brings emotional balance, clarity, compassion, and courage to your daily life, what might be a way for you to access your inner guide? Is there an image that resonates with you as an external representation of your inner guide? Is there a song, meditation, or place in nature that helps you connect with this part of yourself and bring regulation to your nervous system? Or perhaps it’s a poem, prayer, mantra, or angel. There are many ways we can connect to our clarity, compassion and calm. Which ways resonate most with you?
If you are looking for a counsellor in Qualicum Beach, feel free to book a free 15-minute inquiry call with me HERE
Gad, I. (2004). Tarot and individuation: A Jungian study of correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the chakras.
Hollis, J. The Psychology of Meaning: Keys to Authentic Living. The Jungian Life Podcast. January 2nd, 2025.
IFS Institute.