6-Week Journal Therapy Group

Women’s Journaling Group: Re-connect with Your Wisest Most Compassionate Self

When: Saturdays 3:00-4:30pm

(each session will be up to 90 minutes long)

March 8th-April 12th

Where: McMillan Arts Centre
133 McMillan St Parksville, BC
*Studio B

Price: $375

Register now as space is limited.


  • Learn journal-based techniques to regulate emotions and re-connect with your wisest, most compassionate Self
  • Experience visualization practices to support personal growth
  • Learn how to choose more empowering self-talk
  • Use writing and drawing practices to reduce stress and connect with calm, clarity, compassion, courage, and confidence
  • Learn techniques that can help you to live your life from calm, compassion, and presence, rather than from the inner critic
  • Learn and grow with other women in a small group setting
  • Experience the power of journal therapy

Our Journey Together:

Week 1: Re-Connect with Calm

Week 2: Re-Connect with Clarity

Week 3: Re-Connect with Curiosity

Week 4: Re-Connect with Compassion

Week 5: Re-Connect with Confidence

Week 6: Re-Connect with Courage

Register now, as space is limited for this 6-week program.